Installation motors
Euroscreen offers installation motors with wired cable connection. These motors are operated with controls connected with a fixed cable.

Motors with cable installation
Integration against external control systems
Wall remote control
Trigger - 12V trigger output from projector
Group controls, either individual or all at same time
Up - Down and middle position
Cable control
With cable-controlled systems, the projection screens motor is connected to a control unit with cables. The control unit is usually a wall switch with control for adjusting the position of the screen. The control is mounted on a wall with the cables routed inside the wall.

Control Box

Dry Contact Transmitter

Autolink Trigger

Autolink Kit

Consider ER-motor
We value the simplicity in life as well as the calm quiet environment both at home and in the office. Add to that the option of a fast and easy integration, combined with the control option of your choice, and we then have the best of two worlds.
We focus on reliable installations, easiness in integration and in the end… A joyful easy to use product that you hardly notice until you really focus on it.